Your story don't belong to you.....
Your story is somebody else's survival kit. Share your story.
About Us
When your pain turns into abundance
After being laid off from her corporate job in 2011, Vanessa, a single parent of three, refused to give in to despair. Instead, she took a bold step by embracing faith and adopting a new mindset. Today, Vanessa is a business owner, a powerhouse speaker, a certified life and mindset coach, a self-published book expert consultant, and a nine-time best-selling author.

Frequently, we blame our parents on the outcome of our lives but are not willing to accept that our parents did the best they could with what they had in parenting. At the same time, our parents’ pain and brokenness did not start with just them, it began before them and, for some reason, they were unfamiliar with the broken cycle they carried. Picking up a broken baton can be heavy to have, but it’s possible.
Having no direction and having the courage to dive deep into the family tree to study pathology led me on a mission to deconstruct behavior that was consuming me to conform to the dysfunctional pattern placed in front of me.
I had to take a step back to study my behavior, owning the pattern, and permitting myself to do the work on myself for my legacy to have a better chance than what I experienced. You do better and take the necessary steps to activate your faith when you know better.
Many times, I prayed to be accepted as the person God anointed me to be and to equip me with the ability to make a difference. However, there is a price you have to pay, and the pain you endure places you in a position to want to quit. At least that is what it seems like: a setup to stay in mediocrity.
Once I accepted the tunnel was in a dark, cold, and wet place, I still wanted to push myself to the limit of completing the assignment that I knew I could finish. Because all I knew was disappointment, abandonment, abuse, neglect and the list goes on and on. However, it was up to me to place all bets on me to go in a direction that many are afraid of going to save myself from self-destruction yet once again.
Family secrets have destroyed family lineage for decades, and no one wants to be held accountable. I don’t want to share what would be vital to your future. Too many would rather sit on their hands or turn the cheek to avoid the uncomfortable conversations that someone needs to have with them, but because nobody wants to have a conversation that could break the vicious cycle, their mouths will remain closed. Eyes will continue to become blind to what they experience.
How has it made you feel to know something but not say anything? What if a secret could break you free or your children’s children free? What if someone took the risk to stop following a broken trend of dysfunctional patterns that no longer provides the missing piece to a puzzle that has become a big mystery for decades?
If more people speak up and share their stories, that could avoid unnecessary trauma like they do when people want to gossip about other people’s business, which provides no resolution. Collectively, we can destroy what the enemy has sought to master and multiplicate the master plan of our assignments as servant leaders who can leave an impact on risk takers who were determined to gain the stamp of approval from ancestors who paved the way not only with their prayers but with taking massive action to leave a mark of change.
This book will give you hope of understanding not only are you not alone, but these stories of transparency will leave you with hope in knowing you have a praying village, praying for you to know that you do not need permission from family OR friends to gain support or acceptance.
Just like you didn’t ask permission for the trauma, you do not need to ask permission for the overflow of the blessing that GOD HAS PROMISED YOU.

Heartbreaking moments turned into purpose
Understanding the loneliness and excitement of feeling lost on a journey, it's important to share your experience.
You are enough
Don’t let your past pain ruin what's ahead of you.
No apology given
Don’t keep yourself trapped waiting for an apology that you might never get.
Allow yourself to live in your truth unapologetically and with respect.
Clients sharing their testimonials
"Vanessa is trruly an amazing & outstanding woman. She's very honest & forthcoming when it comes to sharing her trauma & healing process. She creates a safe space for others to heal."
– Jennine Bradord-Lee
"I had my first book published by InspiredByVanessa. She was easy to talk to and willing to help when needed. I would definetely go through for my second title. Thanks Vanessa."
– D.M. Northern
"If you want to be self sufficient in owning your rights, this is why I choose to work with InspiredByVanessa."
– Lavell Crawford